I've never read anything by Murakami before, so I don't know if the
sprawling, sometimes tedious narrative including minor characters that
seem to contribute very little to the plot, repetitiveness indicating a
lack of confidence in readers' attention, or fixation on breasts are
trademarks of this author's style. I do know that as a writer, a reader,
and a lover of parallel universes, these complaints weren't enough to
ruin the story for me. If you're any of the three, I'd suggest you give
the book a try.
But what was most interesting to me as I read the book was the ever
apparent truth that it was a translation. Every time I reached a
passage that didn't flow properly or a sentence that didn't quite make
sense, I questioned whether it was Murakami's writing that made it so or
simply a lack of proper English equivalent. Most fascinating to me was
the use of, "I wonder." Used repeatedly as a kind of substitute (I
assume) for "Hmm," or "I don't know," the phrase really grew on me by
the end of the 900+ pages. When a character said something another
character didn't understand or couldn't answer, he didn't shrug it off
with, "I don't know." He left it open for future discussion with, "I
wonder." I'm sure it's a result of the translator choosing the words
closest to the actual Japanese expression, but I found myself asking
whether our real life plots might go further if we switched to that
phrase in our own conversations. I wonder