In my hometown Shenzhen, China, there are many printing factorys provide quality printing services.
There is one long history of soft cover book printing and binding in China. Actient Chinese created printing technology and bindary. With this great contribution, we developped morden printing. Soft Cover Book is also called as paperback book. Among the books, soft cover book take one imortant part and serves the society from hundreds years ago till now. In acient China, there are many soft cover books. But binding is different from nowadays. Before the morden printing and bindary technology appears, acient Chinese put the paper onto one plate which is similar to nowadays' plate. This is earliest printing technology. This printing technology was transferred by Marco Polo to Western Europe. This is also one of forth great contributions that acient China made to the world. In acient days, paperback book was all sewn with thread. No glue used. Now, in the bindary line, thousands books are put in the binding machine going through one gate then is glued with high temperature at high speed. However, we must thanks for the acient's great efforts they contributed in the printing and binding industry. For book printing enquiry, please contact us at Producing quality mono and colour paperback and hardback books. Image Printing offer a wide range of book printing services for all types of customers.
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